必赢官网师生参加国际软件工程领域旗舰大会ICSE 2023并作报告

第45届国际软件工程会议(IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering,ICSE 2023)于2023年5月17日至19日在澳大利亚墨尔本召开,该会议是软件工程领域旗舰会议、中国计算机学会(CCF)推荐A类国际学术会议。必赢官网多位师生参加该会议并作报告。



▲学院助理教授吴炜滨作《Practical and Efficient Model Extraction of Sentiment Analysis APIs》论文报告


▲学院博士后郑沛霖作《BSHunter: Detecting and Tracing Defects of Bitcoin Scripts》论文报告


▲学院硕士生苏健钟作《Turn the Rudder: A Beacon of Reentrancy Detection for Smart Contracts on Ethereum》论文报告

附必赢官网被录用Technical Track论文情况:

  1. Turn the Rudder: A Beacon of Reentrancy Detection for Smart Contracts on Ethereum
  2. Practical and Efficient Model Extraction of Sentiment Analysis APIs
  3. BSHUNTER: Detecting and Tracing Defects of Bitcoin Scripts
  4. A Semantic-aware Parsing Approach for Log Analytics
  5. Heterogeneous Anomaly Detection for Software Systems via Semi-supervised Cross-modal Attention
  6. Eadro: An End-to-End Troubleshooting Framework for Microservices on Multi-source Data
  7. CoCoSoDa: Effective Contrastive Learning for Code Search
  8. MTTM: Metamorphic Testing for Textual Content Moderation Software
  9. LogReducer: Identify and Reduce Log Hotpots in Kernel on the Fly