
陈武辉,565net必赢客户端教授,博士生导师,珠海市可信大模型重点实验室主任。入选广东省珠江人才计划青年拔尖人才项目、广东省珠江人才计划引进创新创业团队核心成员。承担国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目等多个国家级省部级项目,以及来自华为、百川智能、华东院、广州金融科技、招联消费金融等多个校企合作项目,部分成果得到落地应用。成果发表在EuroSys、NDSS、SoCC、Infocom、VLDB、ICDE、IEEE TPDS、IEEE TC、IEEE TDSC等知名会议和期刊上,获吴文俊人工智能自然科学二等奖、CCF B类会议IEEE ICPP 2020最佳论文亚军奖。出版Springer著作《Blockchain Scalability》。目前担任国际期刊 International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering主编。入选全球前 2% 顶尖科学家榜单。














       全球前 2% 顶尖科学家榜单



CCF B类会议IEEE ICPP 2020最佳论文亚军奖



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于显存极致优化的大模型训练与推理系统加速技术研究,项目负责人

2. 中大-华东院校企合作项目,面向电力领域的大模型训练与推理系统加速技术研究, 子课题负责人

3. CCF-百川-英博大模型基金专项,网算存高效协同的大语言模型推理加速技术, 2023.11-2024.10,项目负责人

4. CCF-华为胡杨林基金系统软件专项,公有云环境“网算存”一体的大模型训练与推理优化框架技术研究合作项目, 2023.07-2024.07,项目负责人

5. 中国人工智能学会-昇思MindSpore学术基金,LongUMoE:基于统一内存的MoE长序列推理框架,2023.12-2024.12,项目负责人

6. 国家重点研发计划,大规模区块链数据传播、存储与访问“网-信-安”一体协同优化研究,2021.12-2024.12,课题负责人

7. 国家重点研发计划,面向服务的群智化生态化软件构造方法研究,2018.05-2021.04,参与单位负责人

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,融合链下通道的区块链分片关键技术研究,2022.01-2025.12,项目负责人

9. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,云机器人系统的服务质量保证方法研究,2019.01-2021.12,项目负责人

10. 广东省“珠江人才计划”引进高层次人才项目,引进青年拔尖人才,2019.01-2023.12, 项目负责人

11. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 高服务质量的云机器人技术研究, 2018.05-2021.04,项目负责人

12. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目, 面向大规模节点和应用的高可扩展区块链系统关键技术, 2022.05-2025.04,项目负责人

13. 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)研究项目,基于服务社交性的服务发现与组合算法,2014.04-2016.03,项目负责人

14. JG委托项目,基于区块链的***技术研究,2021.12-2022.12,项目负责人

15. 校企合作项目,基于区块链的普惠金融数据共享与管理技术研究, 2023.07-2024.07,项目负责人

16. 校企合作项目,面向联盟链的多视角数据分析挖掘及分布式监管服务平台应用, 2022.12-2023.12,项目负责人



[24]. Z. Hong, J. Lin, S. Guo, S. Luo, W. Chen*, R. Wattenhofer, Y. Yu. Optimus: Warming Serverless ML Inference via Inter-Function Model TransformationEuroSys 2024(通讯作者、CCF-A类会议,接收率15.9%)

[23]. W. Chen, D. Xia, T. Cai, H. N. Dai, J. Zhang, Z. Hong, J. Liang, Z. Zheng. Porygon: Scaling Blockchain via 3D Parallelism, International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2024. (CCF-A类会议)

[22]. W. Chen, Y. Kai, J. Zhang, Z. Cai, H. Dai*, Z. Zheng. Auncel: Fair Byzantine Consensus Protocol with High PerformanceInfocom 2024(CCF-A类会议,接收率19.5%)

[21]. J. Zhang, W. Chen*, Z. Hong, G. Xiao, L. Du and Z. Zheng. Efficient Execution of Arbitrarily Complex Cross-shard Contracts for Blockchain ShardingIEEE Transactions on Computers(通信作者,CCF-A类期刊)

[20]. T. Cai, W. Chen*, J. Zhang, Z. Zheng. SmartChain: A Dynamic and Self-Adaptive Sharding Framework for IoT Blockchain. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2024. (通信作者,CCF-A类期刊)

[19]. W. Chen, X. Qiu, Z. Cai, B. Tang, L. Du, Z. Zheng. Graph Neural Network-enhanced Reinforcement Learning for Payment Channel RebalancingIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(CCF-A类期刊)

[18]. J. Zhang, W. Chen*, S. Luo, T. Gong, Z. Hong, A. Kate*Front-running Attack in Sharded Blockchains and Fair Cross-shard ConsensusNDSS 2024(共同通讯作者、CCF-A类会议)

[17]. W. Chen, Z. Yang, J. Zhang, J. Liang, Q. Sun. Enhancing Blockchain Performance via On-chain and Off-chain CollaborationICSOC 2023(CCF-B类会议,接收率17%)

[16]. Z. Cai, J. Liang, W. Chen*, Z.Cong, H. Dai, J. Zhang, Z. Zheng. Benzene: Scaling Blockchain With Cooperation-Based Sharding, IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, 2022. (通信作者,CCF-A类期刊)

[15]. W. Chen, X. Qiu, Z. Hong, Z. Zheng, H. Dai, J. Zhang. Proactive look-ahead control of transaction flows for high-throughput payment channel network. ACM SoCC 2022: 429-444. (CCF-B类,云计算方向系统顶会)

[14]. T. Cai, Z. Hong, S. Liu, W. Chen*, Z. Zheng and Y. Yu. SocialChain: Decoupling Social Data and Applications to Return Your Data Ownership. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2022. (通信作者,CCF-A类期刊)

[13]. X. Qiu, W. Chen*, B. Tang, J. Liang, H. Dai and Z. Zheng. A Distributed and Privacy-Aware High-Throughput Transaction Scheduling Approach for Scaling Blockchain. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022. (通信作者,CCF-A类期刊)

[12]. Z. Yang, K. Liu, Y. Chen, W. Chen* and M. Tang. Two-Level Stackelberg Game for IoT Computational Resource Trading Mechanism: A Smart Contract Approach. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 15, no. 04, pp. 1883-1895, 2022. (通信作者,CCF-A类期刊)

[11]. Z. Hong, S. Guo, P. Li, W. Chen*. Pyramid: A Layered Sharding Blockchain System. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 2021.(通信作者,CCF-A类会议)

[10]. Z. Hong, W. Chen*, H. Huang, S. Guo and Z. Zheng. Multi-Hop Cooperative Computation Offloading for Industrial IoT–Edge–Cloud Computing Environments. IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 2759-2774, 2019.(通信作者,CCF-A类期刊)

[9]. X. Qiu, W. Zhang, W. Chen*, Z. Zheng. Distributed and Collective Deep Reinforcement Learning for Computation Offloading: A Practical Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2021, 32(5): 1085-1101. (通信作者,CCF-A类期刊)

[8]. J. Zhang, Z. Hong, X. Qiu, Y. Zhan, S. Guo, W. Chen*, SkyChain: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Empowered Dynamic Blockchain Sharding System. 49th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2020.  (通信作者,CCF-B类会议,最佳论文亚军奖)

[7]. W. Chen, X. Qiu, T. Cai, H. N. Dai*, Z. Zheng*, Y. Zhang. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials,2021. (中科院一区,IF=33.8)

[6]. W. Chen, Y. Yaguchi, K. Naruse, Y. Watanobe, K. Nakamura. QoS-aware Robotic Streaming Workflow Allocation in Cloud Robotics Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, In press, 2018. (CCF-A类期刊)

[5] W. Chen, I. Paik, and P.C.K. Hung, “Transformation-based Streaming Workflow Allocation on Geo-Distributed Data Center for Streaming Big Data Processing, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, In press, 2017. (CCF-A类期刊)

[4] W. Chen, I. Paik and Z. Li, "Cost-Aware Streaming Workflow Allocation on Geo-Distributed Data Centers," in IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 256-271, Feb. 1 2017. (CCF-A类期刊)

[3] W. Chen, I. Paik, and Z. Li, “Topology-Aware Optimal Data Placement Algorithm for Network Traffic Optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 2603-2617, 2016. (CCF-A类期刊)

[2] W. Chen and I. Paik, “Toward Better Quality of Service Composition Based on Global Social Service Network,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1466-1475, 2015. (CCF-A类期刊)

[1] W. Chen, I. Paik, and P.C.K. Hung, “Constructing a Global Social Service Network for Better Quality of Web Service Discovery,” IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 284-298, 2015. (CCF-A类期刊)



International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering 主编

International Journal of Web Services Research 副编(AE)

国际期刊客座编辑(Guest Editor): IJBPIM, China Communications

国际会议专题组织者: SMC-16、FC-16、FC-15、ICSS 2022、BlockSys 2019

程序委员会委员:FC-16、SMC-16、SCC-16、BigData congress-17、SCC-17、BPM 2019